Assessment and CBL
Assessment at TU/e
In order to shape assessment at our university TU/e Vision on Education identified four leading principles for assessment which can be found on page 22:
- empowering students towards self-directed learning;
- involving multiple stakeholders in assessment;
- assessing students on individual learning objectives and
- ensuring the development of just-in-time knowledge.
CBL can be seen as one of the concrete implementations of the four guiding principles of assessment. The vision for assessment applies to all courses and projects at TUE. Together, we are taking steps to improve our entire offering based on this vision. The vision of Assessment has been concretized in the Directive for the Bachelor 2.0.
Assessment and CBL
Assessments in CBL are designed to capture students' development on competencies and ability to gain and apply knowledge in authentic contexts. Performance is not measured at one final summative moment at the end, for example through a test, but at multiple moments during the learning process. Assessment methods that fit CBL should be a balance between:
- focus on individual learning and on team learning;
- focus on product and on proces;
- balance of (in) formative and summative assessment.
While CBL courses and projects utilize the same assessment formats as other educational models, many lecturers find assessment within CBL to be a new experience. This may be because they have not previously encountered these assessment formats and are uncertain how to implement them.
What's New for Teachers?
Below are 6 aspects of assessment that some lecturers find new. You may be able to identify with some of them.