University of

Do you have a plan to innovate education at the TU/e?

Apply for funding to bring your idea in reality by submitting a project proposal. Proposals can be submitted throughout the whole year.

to do

This is the procedure for submitting a proposal:

  1. Visit the Projects page for inspiration.
  2. Download the Call for Proposal to find out what budget and support is available, as well as the criteria for the assessment of proposals.
  3. Download the Innovation Fund Proposal template and fill in the template.
  4. Send your proposal to: calls.educationinnovation@tue.nl
  5. After submission, your proposal will be allocated to the most suitable education innovation program, BOOST!, CBL or 4TU.CEE. In case of allocation to the BOOST! or CBL program, your proposal will be reviewed by a Student Sounding Board, consisting of students from all departments, the Committee Quality Agreements, consisting of students from the university council and the deans, and the BOOST! or CBL program committee.