University of

CBL Building Kit

A step-by-step roadmap with easy-to-use tools and guides for creating your CBL course or project.

About the CBL Teaching Toolkit

This Teaching Toolkit is a collaborative effort involving:  

  • TU/e innovation Space
  • Teacher Support
  • CBL Programme
  • CBL Research community
  • EWUU

The toolkit is a living instrument that evolves continuously with the latest updates from research and lessons learned.

A sounding board comprising both new and experienced teachers, along with Teacher Support, reviewed all the content and made proposals for further development.

If you have any feedback or input, please reach out to:
Alexandra Zinovyeva: a.zinovyeva@tue.nl.

CBL Teaching Toolkit © 2024 by Eindhoven University of Technology is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0