Innovation Call – Project Proposals at program and at course level 2022 1 | 12 COMBINED CALL FOR PROPOSALS TU/E EDUCATION INNOVATION FUNDS 2022 The field and the role of the engineers is increasingly becoming more relevant due to the need to solve emerging societal challenges. Transforming educational paradigms from teaching to learning with emphasis on student-centered pedagogies are important to prepare the new generations of engineers and scientists to meet these challenges. This paradigm shift
Innovation Call – Project Proposals at program and at course level 2023 1 | 13 COMBINED CALL FOR PROPOSALS TU/e EDUCATION INNOVATION FUNDS 2023 To innovate Teaching & Learning The field and the role of engineers is increasingly becoming more relevant due to the need to solve emerging societal challenges. Transforming educational paradigms from teaching to learning with emphasis on student-centered pedagogies are important to prepare the new generations of engineers and scientists to meet these challenges

Featured projects BOOST! - program The goal of BOOST! is to stimulate innovation in education at the TU/e, in order to sustain a more demand-driven education model and support new forms of education, such as challenged based learning. This is done by giving staff the opportunity and funds to execute pilots that transform and improve education. These pilots are thematically linked together via TU/e educational vision and IT solutions. BOOST!-pilots rely heavily on IT-solutions but are not IT-driven
Search TUE 0 results Home Projects News Teacher Support About Contact NAVIGATION ADDRESS De Zaale Eindhoven +31 (0)40 247 9111 Contact POSTAL ADDRESS PO Box 513 5600 MB Eindhoven Follow us Newsletter Thanks for subscribing to our newsletter. © 2022 TU/e Disclaimer Privacy Home Featured projects BOOST! - program The goal of BOOST! is to stimulate innovation in education at the TU/e, in order to sustain a more demand-driven education model and support new forms of education, such as challenged based
1 The Executive Board of Eindhoven University of Technology, TU/e, Considering the overall revision of the TU/e Bachelor College, effective September 1, 2023, resolves to adopt on June 22, 2022, the TU/e Bachelor College Directive, which comes into force on September 1, 2023. Preamble The 2030 Strategy and educational vision of the Dean Bachelor College and Dean Graduate School guide the provisions of this directive.1 In these documents the concepts mentioned below have been further elaborated. TU
Coaching for learning PHASE 1: FINDING THE OBSTACLE You can go through the steps in this phase in an iterative way 1. Explore the students’ understanding: ask open and probing questions Option to open the conversation: ‘What are you working on [for this project]?’ ‘Can you describe the steps you do understand / you tried so far / you are happy with?’ ‘What can you tell me about …’ ‘What did you try so far?’ 2. Let the students talk: encourage a. Humming / nodding / open posture / eye-contact b. Repeat
EN Report
Design guidelines for CBL Assessment Design Guideline Example implementation Align with participating programs on the intended learning of students to ensure complementary learning experiences for students. · Co-definition of competences supported by the inter-program CBL experience. · Development of rubrics, including development levels and performance indicators, based on input from academic supervisors and students. · Rubrics as communication tool with the programs to align on intended learning
EN Report
Checklist Quality Assurance Assessment Checklist Quality Assurance Yes/No Details Has the assessment plan been approved (by the program committee or program director) and considered valid? Have measures been taken to achieve a reliable and fair assessment? Do students know how the assessment works (aspect of transparency) Does the assessment plan ensure adequate distribution of workload within the course? Does the assessment plan as a whole and the individual assessment parts result in the desired
Opmaak 1
VISION ON EDUCATION 32 TU/e Vision on Education 04 | Executive Summary 09 | Preface 10 | Introduction: Future TU/e education 12 | Drivers of change 15 | TU/e learners and graduates 15 | TU/e engineers 16 | Diverse learners 18 | TU/e education – Developing from teaching to learning 19 | 1. Learning in a flexible hybrid system to facilitate diverse learning paths 24 | 2. An authentic integrative and activating educational concept: Challenge Based Learning 29 | 3. Self-directed learning that acknowledges
Opmaak 1
Visualise your colour of Challenge Based Learning and optimize your programs CBL-COMPASS FOR TEACHERS INTRODUCTION TWO DIMENSIONS VISION OVERVIEW INDICATORS TEACHING AND LEARNING OVERVIEW INDICATORS HOW THE CBL-TOOL WORKS CBL-COMPASS FOR TEACHERS Position your own challenge- based learning (CBL) course or innovation project alongside the dimensions of the CBL-tool. You can use this instrument to start the conversation about how CBL is implemented in your course or innovation project, what variance
Assessment as Learning Ideas for (formative) assessment to support learning and collect evidence Ideas for learning activities Programmatic Assessment worksheet (30-45 minutes) Instructions: Choose one of your Intended Learning Outcomes and write it the first box. Read your ILO and brainstorm. What could we do to assess it? Come up with as many ideas as you can. Tip: if you get stuck, go back to the ILO and make it more specific. Now consider all ideas and vote the ones that you think it would be

Teacher Support
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects News Teacher Support Teaching toolkit About Contact Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects News Teacher Support Teaching toolkit Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices Research Workshops and Coaching About Contact HomeTeacher Support Teacher Support What is it? Teacher Support are the educational experts at TU/e who help teachers design or redesign their courses, from first evaluation
Digital Twin in Healthcare
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects Teaching toolkit Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship
Design for transport and logistics
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Innovation Space Bachelor End Project (ISBEP)
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Innovation space project: innovation through art & design
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project
Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes
Eindhoven University of Technology Home Projects CBL Teaching Toolkit Call for Proposal Optimize my CBL course Create a New CBL Course All tools What and Why CBL Get Support Best Practices The bouwkunde winkel Implementing and Adapting to Artificial Intelligence in Organizations Technology Forecasting Teacher’s competences for innovative science subjects Industrial Design Final Bachelor Project Innovation space project: innovation and entrepreneurship processes Innovation Space Bachelor End Project