University of

In April, we launched our university-wide CBL Teaching Toolkit at TU/e, engaging education enthusiasts across the campus. The launch event on April 11 not only showcased the toolkit but also celebrated the robust collaboration within the TU/e community, where TU/e innovation Space, TEACH, Teacher Support and Teachers, CBL Programme, CBL Research Community and EWUU Alliance all contributed to the toolkit development.

With an eye toward the future, TU/e has committed to supporting the development of T-shaped engineers - professionals who possess deep technical knowledge in their field complemented by a broad range of skills. Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) is recognized as one of the key methodologies for fostering such well-rounded expertise. The newly launched toolkit is envisioned as a living instrument and a resource for educators, aiding them on their CBL course (re)design and implementation journey.  

As the university leans into this teaching approach, there is a palpable sense of momentum and a shared vision for CBL at TU/e. In the past several years, we have seen a number of positive results and good CBL practices both flourishing bottom-up and initiated top-down. However, this voyage into educational innovation is not without its own challenges. Recognizing this, we are set out to evaluate and continue optimising the toolkit learning from the challenged encountered within course redesign pilots. In the meantime, the CBL research community and the participants at the launch were also invited to share their top key areas for further improvement, where the toolkit can play a role.

  1. Focus on recognising champions and role models: We could and should do more to recognise and reward CBL innovation across TU/e in a more transparent way through a stronger formal or informal incentives system. With the toolkit, we are well positioned to identify and bring to light the people behind innovative practices, and potentially pave the way to more formalised recognition practices.
  2. Further considerations about scalability of CBL application: We need more adaptable strategies that allow for the broad adoption of CBL across different curriculum contexts without compromising the depth of essential knowledge. This means bringing more research and case studies, as well as practical tools around constructive alignment, assessment, team work and effective engagement with industry among others. The toolkit is set to continue working on these areas.
  3. Proof of CBL benefits as seen by students and industry: While research and practice clearly demonstrate the substantial benefits of CBL for our students and their future employers—delivering a more adaptable and well-rounded talent pool—the narrative still lacks compelling stories and examples that resonate with the teaching community. To bridge this gap, we need to actively incorporate more voices and opinions from students and employers in our toolkit.  
  4. Nudging peer-learning and collaboration among teachers: For teachers, enhancing their practices through CBL is key. CBL not only benefits from multidisciplinary input but also eases workloads when teachers share responsibilities. A sparring partner in such setups can be crucial for progress. Our toolkit aims to maintain a repository of training and events that serve as a platform for fostering collaborations among educators.
  5. Helping faculty find time and provide targeted support: Redesigning or creating new courses demands considerable time and energy, resources that teachers often lack. Our toolkit aims to alleviate this by providing intuitive, easy-to-use materials and targeted support for any inquiry, ensuring teachers can efficiently navigate and implement CBL without unnecessary effort. By continuously enhancing this toolkit and communicating where to find support, we commit to ensuring its impact as a crucial educational resource.

As we move forward, we are hopeful that the wider TU/e community will remain united in harnessing the CBL Teaching Toolkit to shape an innovative educational future. Are you a seasoned CBL professional and have stories to tell, tools to share but have not had a chance yet? Reach out to us! Are you a less experienced colleague interested in CBL? Check the toolkit and let us know what you think!

Participants interacting in groups during the launch event 

Contact: Alexandra Zinovyeva, a.zinovyeva@tue.nl