University of


Creating a new CBL course is an exciting journey. By following the structured steps of the four phases - Analyze, Design, Develop and Implement -, you can streamline the creation process into manageable segments. This approach ensures not only clarity, but also an enjoyable process without becoming overwhelmed.

This building kit consists of a set of tools to:

But first watch the video below for a brief introduction.

How To Start?

Start with step 1 and then continue through the process. Good luck and enjoy!

Check if you are ready to start designing a CBL Course.

  • I know why TU/e is implementing CBL.
  • I can explain to a colleague what the dimensions of CBL mean.
  • I know TU/e’s vision on CBL.
  • I have previous experience with CBL (for example followed the CBL/e course, assisting with or participating in a CBL course/project)
  • I have successfully followed the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ) or I am familiar with the ADDIE model and Constructive Alignment.
  • I am aware of the CBL workshops on offer.

The responsible lecturer is in charge of creating the CBL course. Fortunately, they dont have to do it alone. Most teachers gather more and more people around them during the iterative process.

In the beginning, that team is small. Usually two teachers, assisted by the Teacher Support of their department. During the process, that team can expand as they need new insights, support and specialized expertise from other disciplines or from experts on CBL.

In addition, the team has a number of stakeholders which are not active in the process, but can give advice. An example is the program director.


  • Download the document CBL Teaching and Support Team and assemble your design team. Involve the Teacher Support of your department as early as possible.
  • You will find that your team gets bigger and bigger during the process. Use this, or a similar document, to keep track of all names and responsibilities.