University of

EuroTech Universities Energy Challenge

Summary of the project

The CBL-EuroTech project, part of the EuroTech Universities Energy Challenge, has been focusing on implementing Challenge-Based Learning (CBL) for MSc students at TU/e. It has been building on an existing PhD Summer School on Energy, extending it into a full 5 ECTS MSc course. This course has been merging lectures by energy experts with project work, providing a multidisciplinary, multicultural environment for advanced learning in sustainable energy technologies.

Aim of the project

The aim of the project has been to create a unique learning opportunity that balances individual and team-based learning in a diverse setting. It has been designed to cater to the specific needs of MSc students, enhancing their project management skills and deepening their knowledge in sustainable energy research. The project's goal has been to integrate state-of-the-art research into students' learning experiences, preparing them for future challenges in the energy sector.

Results and learnings

The students appreciated the access to international experts and the international exchange, in particular emphasizing the importance of the in-person visit. The multicultural integration was facilitated by respective training allowing for the group to efficiently start collaborating over a 3 weeks period.

In regards to our focus on balancing and integrating individual (deep) learning and team-based learning in a blended CBL course for the MSc level in an interdisciplinary context, we found that facilitating discussions on individual learning goals, a project diary, peer-to-peer feedback and joint reflection sessions work hand-in-hand. The majority of the students find this approach helps them reach their individual learning goals.

A challenge remains on the administrative level: Bringing all universities and partners together. From different teaching philosophies and requirements e.g. for grading to schedules and holiday wishes, it remains a challenge to expand the network of universities involved. Nevertheless, we succeeded to get from the two initial partners to 4 for the upcoming edition. The grading was resolved by having the students create a portfolio, which can be assessed by the teachers of their respective institutes, but in anticipation of further expansion of the course to the EuroteQ network, the workload remains high. 

We are looking forward to the edition next year and are excited about the great number of registrations already received.

For more information, please contact:

Assistant Professor
Maja Rücker
Energy Technology
Full Professor
David Smeulders
EIRES Research
+31 40 247 3167
Willem-Bart Bartels
Thermo Fluids Engineering
Education Coordinator
Jaklien Bakers-van Maasakkers
Doctoral Candidate
E.A. Bergkamp
Teacher Education Specialist
Paola van der Sluis
Teacher Trainer
Rik. Slakhorst
Teacher Support
Sonawane Aproova