University of

Summary of the project

The departments of Applied Physics and Mechanical Engineering have been independently developing open-ended group projects where students learn about signals, systems, and control theory by working hands-on with a real-world problem. Students have been enjoying the challenge-based setup of the course but find it challenging to learn new theory while directly applying it within a single course. The departments have been proposing to design an interdepartmental, challenge-based project that can be completed with knowledge from both departments.

Aim of the project

The aim of the new challenge-based learning course has been for students to acquire their knowledge of signals, systems, and control, by selecting the theory they need and directly applying it to a real-world challenge. In this process, the responsible lecturers have been essentially acting as coaches, supporting students in finding the right knowledge, rather than directly providing it to them. Furthermore, students have been experiencing working in interdisciplinary teams, just as they would in their future careers, where team members have different backgrounds in skill and knowledge. The departments have been analyzing whether the multidisciplinary aspect of the course improves students' learning.

Results and learnings

For more information, please contact:

Associate Professor
Rudie Kunnen
Fluids and Flows
+31 40 247 3194
Associate Professor
René van de Molengraft
EAISI High Tech Systems